Simple Cucumber Installation in Windows 7


  1. Installing cucumber in windows/pc is hard – mostly fails with so many errors 😦
  2. It works sometimes and sometimes not 😦
  3. Community and support is poor 😦
  4. Not easily explained anywhere 😦

So here YOU go:


  1. Visit Ruby Installer page and under left side Download Ruby 2.2.3(x32) or Ruby 2.2.3(x64). It depends on your PC wether it’s 32bit or 64 bit – download as accordingly.
  2. Install the downloaded rubyinstaller-2.2.3.exe file to c:/ drive (default location). And keep selecting (all), when options come to screen and move on next and complete the installation
  3. Now search for “Start command prompt with Ruby” and run this console.


  1. Once again, Visit Ruby Installer page and under the “DEVELOPMENT KIT“, download DevKit-tdm-32…exe or DevKit-tdm-(x64)…exe. It depends on your PC wether it’s 32 bit or 64 bit – download as accordingly.
  2. Now unzip the DevKit-tdm-(x64)…exe file. And you will have a file named dk.rb.
  3. From “Start command prompt with Ruby”, locate the dk.rb or drag-drop this file to the console. 
  4. Once it will one on console, it will be like this
    c:\Users\users\ruby developmentkit\ruby dk.rb init (hit enter)
  5. Again drag-drop the file to console, it will be like this
    c:\Users\users\ruby developmentkit\ruby dk.rb  install (hit enter)


Now we need to install few gem libary,

  1. gem install bundler #required 
  2. gem install cucumber


  1. Download your cucumber projects and give this command “bundle install”.


  1. Ruby Installer and Development Kit preferred to install x64 or 32bit – depends on your PC. They have two version always there.
  2. To get color PASS/FAIL in windows console- Install Ansicon. Unzip the file, you will find x64/x32 – choose right one and ansicon (double click) or ansicon -i from console to install. It doesn’t work in 64bit at all. 
  3. Nokogiri is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. It always messing up with windows setup. So, you need to setup manually.
    1. Download nokogiri desired version (mentioned in console or project requirement)
    2. Run this, gem install –local nokogiri- (just locate your file to console and hit enter)


  3. Certification

Cucumber/Capybara: Run tests on Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Poltergeist/PhantomJS

The Problem:

Those are working with cucumber test automation – there is default browser given as Firefox. Firefox renders and performs best. But to give coverge on other platform and see how features functionality going on other browser – we must go through with other browsers too.

We need to cover up:

  1. Internet Exploer 10, 11
  2. Firefox – Mac/PC
  3. Chrome – Mac/PC
  4. Safari – PC


  1. With the install Homebrew – – to handle downloads for Chromedriver, Operadriver, Safaridriver, Poltergeist/PhantomJS in your machine
  2. Add these following lines and run “bundle”

gem 'capybara'
gem 'poltergeist'
gem 'selenium-webdriver'
gem 'cucumber'


So, as we have cucumber_helper.rb file, replace with this code

require 'capybara/cucumber'
require 'rspec/expectations'

# Capybara.default_driver = :selenium  #disable default firefox

Capybara.app_host = ""
Capybara.run_server = true
Capybara.default_wait_time = 5

We need to disable it while we run the script.

As well, we have support/env.rb file, replace with these codes,

require 'capybara'
require 'capybara/cucumber'
require 'capybara/poltergeist'
require 'selenium-webdriver'

#pass environment variables to control which browser is used for testing. Default is HEADLESS/POLTERGEIST
#usage: firefox=true bundle exec cucumber features/test.feature

if ENV['chrome']
 Capybara.default_driver = :chrome
 Capybara.register_driver :chrome do |app|
 options = {
 :js_errors => false,
 :timeout => 360,
 :debug => false,
 :inspector => false,
 }, :browser => :chrome)
elsif ENV['firefox']
 Capybara.default_driver = :firefox
 Capybara.register_driver :firefox do |app|
 options = {
 :js_errors => true,
 :timeout => 360,
 :debug => false,
 :inspector => false,
 }, :browser => :firefox)
elsif ENV['safari']
 Capybara.default_driver = :safari
 Capybara.register_driver :safari do |app|
 options = {
 :js_errors => false,
 :timeout => 360,
 :debug => false,
 :inspector => false,
 }, :browser => :safari)
elsif ENV['opera']
 Capybara.default_driver = :opera
 Capybara.register_driver :opera do |app|
 options = {
 :js_errors => false,
 :timeout => 360,
 :debug => false,
 :inspector => false,
 }, :browser => :opera)
Capybara.default_driver = :poltergeist
 Capybara.register_driver :poltergeist do |app|
 options = {
 :js_errors => false,
 :timeout => 360,
 :debug => false,
 :phantomjs_options => ['--load-images=no', '--disk-cache=false'],
 :inspector => false,
 }, options)

Now, lets run the test on different browser:

Access your terminal and run any of it. And replace your desired brower and make sure you’ve pre-setup of web-drivers.

chrome=true bundle exec cucumber features/test.feature

Note: It might be working on Internet Explorer too. I’m still working on. I will let you know. 

Cucumber to generate HTML report

The Problem:

For test automation we use cucumber testing tools and besides selenium web driver to run the functional test process as we follow BDD (Behaviour Driven Development). Now, at the end we have very some results in terminal: As follows:

  • Passed scenario
  • Failed scenario
  • Number of scenario ran
  • Number of steps ran
  • Total run time of scripts.

But, you know client or the business people want more then that.


Cucumber has some build it features. You can simply run this

cucumber features --format html --out reports -

it will run all the features and execute a detailed reports

You can have two types of reports:

If everything passed: we have green and you can expand to see details

Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 9.13.03 PM

If we got issues: we have red report and details shown where the problem is.

Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 9.12.03 PM