Google Sites Has API Functionality

Most recently Google Sites launched Google Data API which brings tons of new things and more control and usability. Abilities are given,

  • Retrieve, create, modify, and delete pages and content.
  • Upload/download attachments.
  • Review the revision history across a site.
  • Display recent user activity.

They also shared the full documentation, Java Developer’s Guide, code samples. Also the announced “We’re also open-sourcing an import/export tool that uploads or creates a local back-up of an entire Google Site.” So, enjoy the new functions and join to developers forum.

via Google Sites: Now with an API!

WIN $100 Google Adwords Coupon For FREE


How Google Adwords Works:

Google Adwords giving service of advertising and Google generated $21 billion revenue in 2008. By using Google Adwords service you can serve advertising campaign of your site and extend your business widely. You will get options to select your budgets, per click rates in cents and add keywords of your products and when people searched any products and if the searched keywords has relevancy of your companies products then Google will show your advertisement to the search engine or any websites which is using Google Adsense. Presently, they providing Contextual advertisement and Banner advertisement and it’s PPC or Pay Per Click based. Is that so? “There’s no minimum spending requirement – the amount you pay for AdWords is up to you. You can, for instance, set a daily budget of five dollars and a maximum cost of ten cents for each click on your ad.” Also you will charged or your money will be deduct from your budget when anyone one clicks to your ads and when its simply displayed — you don’t have to pay for it.

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164 Ways How To Become An Entrepreneur

Yesterday, I’m just checking about my sites present search engine performance and googling post title “How To Become A Great Entrepreneur?, it’s brilliant and I’m getting another one excellent post which was published by By Mike Michalowicz, Author of The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. Mike shared 163 Ways How To Become An Entrepreneur, simply awesome and I have read the whole articles and each and every points brings new experiences to me and even I’m enthusiast to read his book The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur. Read the whole articles first and then go for the books. Until then, I’m busy with Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust By Chris Brogan and Julien Smith — still interested to know more visit Chris’s blog post.

photo courtesy to You are an entrepreneur

How To Become A Great Entrepreneur?

When the entrepreneur words comes to mind or I’m seeing Sergey and Page — the founder of We already have know what things they have done and what’s the model and the business strategy of their web company. Also, Evan Williams, Jason Fried, Marc Andreessen, Caterina Fake, Elon Musk, Niklas Zennstrom and Arianna Huffington and Mark Zuckerberg — what is doing now? Whatever, every entrepreneur following some killer strategy to grownup their business, it can be slower or faster but they are taking both to find what gaining more outcomes with less.

I’m coming across from What makes a great entrepreneur? from Neils Patels blog who is the founder of Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics (I’m loving it) and  you know the interesting theory and history of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). So, on his post he is trying to introducing some other entrepreneurs — all are not billionaires but somehow they are millionaires and doing great in business and become success entrepreneurs.

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How Simple To Run Your Startups With Lowest Cost

I’m reading a lot and reading lots of weblogs random tips about start-ups, cash-flow management, how to run your new start-up, making new plans with strategy, marketing/advertising/sales stategy and future forecasting and so on things. But the real this is whatever we do, ‘we can’t make six digit amount of money per month — atleast at the beginning”.

What things we have to do? If we want to run a starup company with lowest cost? Lots of things we can do and even if we don’t have investment too. But, all things will bring break-even point within six or one years. It’s toughest time to cross the break-even point broder. However, let’s go for action

  1. You want to start your web startup company with great vision? Is that costly?
  2. Want to earn minimum $150 per month?
  3. How much the cost will be to buy websites and hosting space? In dollar?
  4. How to arrange the starting money minimum $30 at beginning? Is that possible?

So, we are talking about web starup company with great vision, earning per month, buying websites+hosting and