How ProductWiki Works

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ProductWiki real users community, generating information about products, including pros-cons of the products. Getting real people all around the world and as well getting respond and collaboraite contribution makes the website comprehensive, value-able for the customers. Over the web about a product, you will get multi types of respond but here it focused, maximum, minimum are specified — to get instant idea about your products before to buy it.


  • Review products using our Collaborative Reviews.
  • Comment on products
  • Create lists of products as: love, want or have, or any other tag you choose (for example – 25th birthday, cd collection, top 5 movies)
  • Publish your list of products on your blog with images
  • Search for products using different criteria to narrow your search – if you’re looking for a dress, you can further narrow down the field by selecting a “strapless dress, that is also knee-length”.
  • Write reviews, buying guides or rants
  • Ask questions, answer questions, have discussions
  • Add products – any product can be added to ProductWiki, if the category doesn’t exist you can create it! We also encourage self-promotion, so if you make a product that you want to sell, add it to ProductWiki (although we have some guidelines to follow first)
  • Add links to ProductWiki that might be useful – product reviews, manufacturer’s homepage, or blog posts.


How Aardvark Works

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Using an unique technology Aardvark created such social platform where user can ask & answer question. You can ask and get answer from your friends, your contacts, from your networks too and as well forward you question — the entire application will pop-up on your Instant Messenger (IM), it can maintained from websites or Instant Messenger. Asking question, getting respond, forwarding another thanks including some cheers. And Aardvark promising you will get your answer within few minutes. Consider it — a community of experts, select or give your expertise information, when some asked a question if that relevant with your profession — you can give the reply instantly.  Lastly, Google Inc. acquired this Aardvark company with 50 million dollar.


  1. Community of experts, free to ask question and get respond within few minutes from experts.
  2. Using Google Mail account, anyone can register — ask question, give answer from Instant Messenger like Gtalk, Yahoo IM.
  3. Send request to your known person or friend who might give you the answer.
  4. Share your answer / question on social networks like Facebook.

Screen-shots showing the process, how does Vark works

Start typing your question and get respond within few minutes.

How Nextag Works

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To finding best deals before to taking decision to purchase tech to travel kits — requires price, place and as well better detailed comparison and trust worthy dealer. Nextag following four steps — Search what you want, Find your product, Compare and Buy it. It also engaged more then 30+ million people and consult to make the online purchase successful and this company using best-in-class search technology which finds most relevant, company wise product list, price selection — better navigation including detailed information. They are much more focused about the benefits of partners and considering the impressive sales volume and as well ROI merchants and maximum user experience for search providers.


  • On Nextag – Browse, review, share, get the 411, get the deal: with Nextag.
  • Nextag providing free service to find best deal from the entire web, firm several networks.
  • User-friendly navigation which helps to find products from the web. Like looking for Laptop, search Dell Netbook , you will get option to select the price, display size, brands, process and much more information.
  • 30+ million people consult us each month to make their online purchases
  • Using best-in-class search technology and proven expertise to ensure that each and every one of those shoppers is a happy.
  • Its focus and commitment benefits our partners.
  • Delivering impressive sales volume and ROI for merchants and a streamlined user experience for search providers.


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